Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yann Tiersen

He is a music composer, and did the soundtrack for the French film Amelie.

The ballet intensive danced to one of his songs. But... I didn't know WHICH ONE. So today I looked up Yann Tiersen on Wikipedia and started with his first album, then YouTubed the songs. Luckily, the song was only in the second album of his. The name is Toujours Là. :)
Here it is!

I love it :)

Au revoir.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How To Save a Life

The song by The Fray. You know it. If you don't, here.

So I watched the video a bunch of times to get this list:
8. Hold Still
15. Let It Go
36. Don't Be Stressed.
18. Talk To Someone
45. Touch
22. Cry
23. Accept
7. Forgive
1. Love
86. Open Up
11. Remember
99. Say Goodbye

And the random words without numbers:
Scared of death
I'm not good enough
Have faith
Release the fear

Thought I should put it up here so I can through away the plate I wrote it on. It's a really moving video, these are just my observations.

Au revoir.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Twilight Fangirl Is Out To Play

It's a guilty pleasure. So shush.

Rosalie was originally "Carol" and Jasper was first "Ronald."
Shia LaBeouf was one of the people who might have played Jacob.
Lucy Hale could have been Bella. (But I like her in Pretty Little Liars now, so it's all good :D )
Jesse Spencer (Australian guy on House) could have been Carlisle.
Anne Hathaway could have been Emse.
Olivia Thirlby (Violet from Series of Unfortunate Events) could have been Alice.
Megan Fox (Transformers 1 & 2) or Olivia Wilde (Remy "Thirteen" on House) could have been Rosalie.
Chace Crawford could have been Jasper.
Elijah Wood (from Lord of the Rings) could have been James.
Rose McGowan (Paige in Charmed) could have been Victoria. interesting Twilight facts :)

Au revoir.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Love is the theme for everything.

For life, for songs, for movies, for books. Think about it. When was the last time you listened to the radio and DIDN'T hear a song about love? Or went to the movie theatre and didn't see a sign or advertisement or trailer for a movie about love.

Life's theme is love. We can't escape that, no matter what happens.

Want some thoughtful things to think about when you're all alone and have nothing to do?
(By the way, it's called food for thought in my world.)

If the person you loved asked you to give up your best friend, would you? Many say no.
But what would they really do?

Do you want to regret saying I love you and not meaning it, or regret not saying it when you meant it?

So there you have it, food for thought.
Think about 'em.

Au revoir.