Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Written on a Cardboard Back of a Notebook During a Boring Class

Light sunbeams shine through the dirty blinds, falling on sparse pieces of paper. A figure stirs in the darkness and shushs the whispering limbs of plants near the window. The figure gathered up the scattered sheets, sighing as it went. The blinds were pulled up roughly; the window gently pushed open to let a cool breeze flutter in. The figure becomes a silhouette as it lowers itself wearily down to rest on the sill of the window. A feminine outline becomes prominent as the sun rises higher in the sky. Tears silently slid down her face, dripping to stain her hands wet with sorrow. After an hour or so she sighed, wearily drew herself up and went to face the day.

The tenses are all messed up and mixed, but this is it, in it's purest most unedited form.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


J'aime lire les romans souvent chez moi.
Je n'aime pas joue au basketball.
J'aime danser souvent!
J'aime nager de temps en temps à la piscine.