Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Biking, Talents, Hummus, YouTube.

Fell off my bike today. Left arm took the brunt of the fall. It now hurts to do certain movements T.T

I need to finish Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, and Angels & Demons so I can give them back to my friend. THEN I can start on the pile of 45 books of my own that I have yet to read :)
As you can probably guess... I like to read! I also enjoy other things, but I'm not overly good at them. I am average. Not average like MLIA average. Just average average. Likkkeee... Flute. Not good enough to get into the "better" band, but good enough to be able to sight play simple or easy-intermediate things okay. Or, piano. Sooooooo many people play piano, it's hard to measure up. Especially when they're playing things like
Comptine D'un Autre
Été L'aprés-Midi
although, I have recently been able to play most of it (albeit slowly), the sheets I acquired are missing notes that make it the complete song, but also harder.
The Heart Asks Pleasure First/The Promise
I don't think I'll ever attempt that. I mean, honestly, look at this finger work:
Writing I always believed was one of my more strong points. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!! Yeah, I've learned better. I usually write something and the first half is good, and the other half sucks or doesn't make sense with the first half. It's brutal. Just look back at the blogs "Notes", "Little Girl Stories 1-5", and "Little Girl Stories 6-8". THEN you'll see.

In other news!
I found that I absolutely LOVE Tribe Organic Hummus in Sweet Roasted Red Pepper!!! It is delicious in the EXTREME. I highly recommend it. :D

So yesterday, I transferred almost ALL of my songs from my playlists on to YouTube. I now have 496 videos favorited on my main YouTube. (I have three that I still remember the usernames of.)
I think of that as a massive amount of videos to have on ONE little playlist thing o.o
On a happier note, here's a German song!

Au revoir.

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