Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Girl Stories 6-8

Blogger was being bitchy so I had to make two posts. Whoop-dee-doo.

Story 6
A school. Nothing unusual about this school, unless you count the inedible lunches. But lately girl students and Black Sprites have been disappearing. A girl, Kea, is one of the only Black Sprites left. The Black Sprites, a group of people, mostly teens, are sprites (small people with magic and ability to camouflage and can disappear) protect Adrian. They live on a star, which is called Vona. The person the Black Sprites protect is Adrian Emile Kamady, a White Sprite. The White Sprites are the sprites who give energy to the star so the star stays alive. If Valon or any other powerful White Sprite isn’t giving enough energy the people slowly start to disappear one by one. The White Sprites are the most powerful, then the Black Sprites, and then normal girls. Normal boys don’t have enough energy or power. When Adrian goes missing the Black Sprites must go on a journey to find Adrian, who ran away for a purpose. To destroy the Spirits. The Spirits are a group of beautiful elves that lure people into destroying others like the Black and White Sprites. But when Kea, a lower Black Sprite finds Adrian, he’s under the most powerful spell of all Spirits, Aya. Adrian puts Kea into a trance that makes her unable to wake till someone who truly cares about her comes for her. When Adrian finally gets released from Aya’s spell, he finds out that Kea found him, and tries to find her, but can’t. She has been sent to one of the most dangerous places, the Spirit’s star, Onva, where Spirits practice, teach new Spirits, and do anything they want. When Adrian finds Kea though, she’s in the Spirit’s power source. She is now the power source. Adrian will do anything to free her. Even give up his life. And that’s just what he does. Now Kea is out of the power source and she overthrows the Spirits. But for years she tries to get Adrian back when one year, she finally gets back into the power source. She finds Adrian, but she has 2 choices: She can stay with Adrian forever and let the Spirits take over Vona, or go back and stop the Spirits and never see Adrian again. She thought she knew what she was doing, but now she doesn’t. She can’t decide, so her did something that shocked everybody. She became a Spirit.
Story 7
Datyna Nyt Ytashia-Wyndfrint groaned in frustration as, yet again, her new friend, the new student at Fire Front School for Girls, Spures, said her name wrong. “Dah-tee-nah night tasha windfrit.” Datyna said slowly. “Ditina night tisha windfront.” Spures glanced anxiously at Datyna. Datyna sighed. “Just call me Why.” “Why or Whi like whispers?” Spures asked. “Whi.” Datyna answered. “It’s been my nickname since I was born.” Spures glanced at the time. “Yikes! We gotta go!” Wi glanced at the clock on the outside of their school. “Crap! Let’s go!” They ran inside Fire Front School for Girls and got the biggest shock of their life. “FIRE FRONT PUBLIC SCHOOL?!?!?!” everybody was yelling. Everybody (they were all girls) screamed and jumped up and down. Except Whi. “What’s wrong, Whi?” Spures asked. “Guys are coming...that means mean jokes, perverted comments, weird moments, giggly girls, and players and users.” Spures looked startled. She hadn’t expected that much sadness in Whi’s voice. But she could sense something else in there, was it a desperate tone, or scared tone? She couldn’t puzzle it out. But right then about 100 guys (there were 2000 girls) came walking towards the school. Every pair of eyes was on them. There was one that stood out among them. He skimmed the crowd with his eyes, that came to rest on Whi. Whi groaned and turned away, but they boy was instantly there holding her arm. Almost forcefully he pulled her back around to face him. “It’s been awhile, Yuna.” “I go by Whi, now, Vin.” Whi answered. “You should remember, it was my childhood nickname.” Vin’s amber eyes grew dark.
Story 8
Splash! A tiny water nymph dived into the clear blue crystal water. She surfaced and yelled, “Come on, Tissia! The water’s fine!” Tissia looked with frightened eyes at the water, and remembered the day she was almost killed by a human. She shouted back, “Um….. No thanks! I’m fine out here!” Tissia is an air nymph, and the runt of her kind, but despite being small she has long slender fingers, perfect for playing the flute, dark black floating wavy hair. She delivers lost items to humans, animals, and mythical creatures. Tissia is just a nickname, her real name being Tacasandria. The water nymph is Clairisia, also known as Kisa. She is Tissia’s assistant, training to be an IF (Item-finder) like Tissia. “Oh, come on Tissia! Please?” Kisa shouted. She’s still afraid of the water. Kisa thought sadly. Tissia shook her head, no, and started toward her office to start her work. She had always stayed away from the water so the humans won’t find her, because they thought IFs stole items instead of finding them! She especially had to stay away from Jayne, the girl who was always after her. Rustle, rustle. The trees seemed to be trying to scare me today. Tissia thought as she started to run. Everything seemed to loom around her. Kisa snapped out of her trance and started running toward the forest to catch up with Tissia. But Tissia was nowhere to be found. A splash echoed throughout the woods as Tissia dived into the water. Kisa smiled, and thought, Seems Tissia’s found something to deliver to someone who lives in the water. Tissia got out of the water and dried off her hair. She then found Kisa and they started back towards her office. When back at the office Tissia went to lie down. Kisa sighed; she had thought Tissia had gotten over her fear of water, but apparently not. Kisa got up and went to deliver a shirt to a human girl named Jasmine. Tissia woke with a dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach and peeped when she saw Jayne, the human girl that hates her standing above her with a torch in hand and hose in the other. How did she know air nymphs can die from fire and I’m afraid of water? Tissia thought while she started screaming. Jayne threw the torch down and covered Tissia with a bag. Then she filled the bag with water. But right then Kisa came in and coaxed the water out of the bag and into the fire to put it out. Jayne had already started running. Tissia coughed and coughed while Kisa stated about a million reasons why Tissia and she should quit being an IF and an IF in training. But it was only 5 reasons:1. Jayne’s out to get her.
2. People don’t believe in Tissia.
3. People hate them.
4. People are losing too many things to count, and
5. Sometimes they don’t want to find the things and it is good for them to get over lost things.
Later that week...
Tissia was announcing to her family she was quitting when Kisa burst in babbling that she was sorry she was so late. Tissia then resumed with her announcement, “I’m quitting being an IF and Kisa will aid to me while I find a good place to stay. I’m aiming for Nymph Forest so Jayne won’t find me.” Her family then started to cheer, because this was the first time one of her family member’s wasn’t going to keep on being an Item-finder. “But, I am going to keep the flute so I won’t forget anything I’ve been through with my family!”
Well, now you’ve heard the myth of Tacasandria the Air Nymph.

Well, now that those are out there, I feel embarrassed. They're worse than I remembered XD

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