Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Girl Stories 1-5

Yeah, so when I was young, I LOVED to write stories.
And I've decided to post them because they were forgotten for so long. Now they'll air out and dry with fragrant, humiliating, embarrassing errors. Oops, I mean air ;)

Story 1
Ali Moon looked up into the sky. The sun was sinking already. She had to hurry. She raced down alleyways, past vendors, past all the old buildings and the waterways. Finally, she spotted a shadowy figure. Just what she was looking for. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and tackled the figure just before it could jump. “Ali?” said the shadowy figure. “Yeah. Turns out I survived. And just WHAT the HELL were you THINKING when you just LEFT me in that freaking HOSPITAL ALONE?!?!? They were freakin’ EVERYWHERE! And they won’t go AWAY!” Ali shouted at the figure. The figure visibly winced. “Sorry ‘bout that…It’s just…They said you were gone…” The figure’s sentence trailed off. “Yeah, well, they’ve said that before, haven’t they?” Ali said, bringing back a memory for both of them. “Don’t go!” a little version of Ali cried out to her mother. “I have to, my sweet. I’m sorry.” After her mother had went through the front door, little Ali slipped on a set of stairs and came tumbling down. Her father and a little boy were there in an instant. They all went to the hospital, and she was put in intensive care, although neither could understand why. A pretty nurse, probably in her early twenties, came into the waiting room. “I’m sorry, Mr…Moon? Your daughter is gone.” The little boy pushed himself up from the chair and said quietly, “No, she’s not. You’re lying. Ali’s right there.” And he pointed behind her. There Ali, the little one, stood, framed by dim light. “No! She couldn’t have!” screamed the nurse and lunged at Ali. At that moment a sliver of light came from somewhere and pierced the nurse through the heart. She screamed in agony and faded from view. A succubus, they would later learn. A different nurse came in, and her jaw dropped when she saw Ali. “You’re that little girl!” she exclaimed. “But I thought they just officially claimed you dead!” “Apparently not.” Ali’s father said. They both blinked back into the present time. “Ali, this isn’t normal, coming back from the dead TWICE.” “I know” Ali sighed. They both got up, and Ali tried to start walking back towards where she had come in. But the figure pulled her close and kissed her. Ali smiled. Then she ended the kiss and said, “come on, lover boy, we don’t have all night or day.” The figure smiled and followed her. Ok, so maybe I should fill you in. Ali Moon is officially Alinine Freesia Moon. I’ll tell you how to pronounce it. Al-i-neen free-c-a moo-n. It got shortened to Ali about when her parents stopped calling her baby, honey, and dear and had to start calling her by her name because she wouldn’t come when called. But then again, no toddler in their right mind would. She was born December 27th, 1994. It was the bitterest and coldest winter Venice had ever seen. She was born in someone’s house, which we’ll get to in due time. She grew up in Minnesota, though, because a year after she was born, something happened that shook her dad, and the family that they were friends with, that made them (her dad and her) leave and come to Minnesota. Now, onto the ‘shadowy figure’ and ‘boy’. His name is Alexander Sun. He goes by Zen. They first meet when they were toddlers playing in the sandbox. Their moms were talking and found out that they lived back-to-back. It was only a month after she met Zen that she had ‘come back from the dead’, and that her mom left for reasons unknown.
Story 2
You die. I do not. It is as simple as those words that frighten everybody away. Except for 3 people. And those 3 people were sitting right across from me at the lunch table.

2 months earlier
Misaleec yawned and stretched. She was happy today. For now. They, her ‘family’, had moved to another town to settle down and wait for them to get bored of the college or suspicions arose that they weren’t aging. It had been going on for months, ever since Misaleec’s memory started. In fact, her very first memory was this, ‘Misaleec, take my hand, you’re hurt. You’re like us. You were bitten, too. Bitten by the Class.’ ‘Now, Darin, don’t frighten Misaleec, she’s all by herself, now. Misaleec, come with us, we’ll take care of you.’ They, the people, seemed to be staring at a girl in here late teens. ‘Who’s Misaleec?’ She asked. ‘And where am I? Who am I?’ Her eyes, changing colors constantly (they always had) became wide with terror. Darin, a boy about her age stepped toward her. She gracefully got into an instinctive position. She looked like a dancer, her chameleon eyes changing while her waist-length hair chocolate-brown hair whipped around her because of her speed. Darin stopped. ‘Misaleec, you don’t remember, do you? Do you know me, right?’ ‘No. I only…remember…white…red…then silver…’ The woman who was assumed Darin’s mother said gently to the dancer-like girl. ‘Come with us, then. We will explain everything.’ And they did. The Class is a group of undead (immortal with no exceptions) vampires that usually deal with humans finding out about them. But it happened to be in Darin’s and Misaleec’s case that they didn’t know anything; it was just a wrong tip-off. But while Darin and Misaleec and Darin’s mother were all bitten, so they became vampires (they choose to be undead or living vampires at the age of 10 years of being a vampire) but Misaleec’s mother and father were killed. They never knew what had happened to Darin’s older brother, who was never found. The 5 people in the certain Class that attacked them were exiled and went into hiding. It just so happened that when Misaleec, Darin, and Darin’s mother got to choose between undead and living, that it was when Misaleec and Darin graduated from college. In 2 years time. They had been doing it ever since Misaleec and Darin had actually finished the college that they had signed up for before becoming a vampire. Misaleec actually hated her name. It was pronounced miss al eeeec, instead of miss al is or miss al ice. Darin was fine with his, because it was easy to pronounce, dare in. So in the first few months or so of being a vampire, she had come up with the nickname Alice, Mice, or Mouse. She was mostly called Mice. Oh, and she could tell almost everything from just looking at them. And, sometimes, if she really wanted to, she could read people’s minds. Mice yawned again and pulled on a pair of jeans and a black tank top along with a silver sliver of a moon on a braided brown string. She went into her shared bathroom (shared with Darin) and started on eyeliner for the bottom of the inside of her eyelids and ended with mascara. Just as she was closing the door, the other one opened. Darin came in and glanced at her. She blushed and said, “You are supposed to knock, Darin.” Darin nodded and said “yeah, ok,” but his mind was on how nice Mice looked right then. Mice closed the door and leaned against it, and sighed. It is such an irony that when we moved into the new house where we were promised our own rooms, that we got an adjoining bathroom. It just makes it so hard covering up my feelings for Darin. ‘Cause I’m pretty sure he doesn’t feel that way about me. Right then, on the other side of the door, leaned Darin, thinking the same thing.
Story 3
He gently set her down on the bed and touched her lips softly, barely, but enough to feel. And then he was gone. The ‘her’ that he had set down was Freesia. The ‘he’ is Dimitri. Let me start from the beginning. By the way, I’m Lavender. Maybe before I start the story you should know how Freesia looks. Freesia has long, raven hair with blue eyes that are piercing yet blue as the sky and ocean all at the same time. The spirals coming from the ends of her eyes are dark green and brown. She has an hourglass shape with defined hips, but small chest area. I wouldn’t call her petite, for she is tall. Her ears are pointed, even more pointed than a pure elf. To be exact of what she is, she is an elven maid mixed with vampire and human, and maybe a bit of something surprising in there. Now for her story. This is how it started…. On a bright spring day, Freesia was invited to a party. Little did she know, it was a Spin-The-Bottle party. When she got there, she played like everyone else. The only person she got for the entire night was a boy named Dimitri. Dimitri is a tall, lean boy with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.
It might help if I gave you Freesia’s point of view:

I spun the bottle for the first time in my life. Tonight was when I’d get my first kiss. It landed on a cute boy, perhaps one of the most unique ones there. He stood up. I stood up. I turned around. All of a sudden, hands slid over my hips and up my sides, stopping below my ribcage. I gave an involuntary shiver of delight. I turned around rapidly. There he was, in a blink of an eye, Dimitri and come across the room and behind me. He led me to the closet. He closed the door and turned off the light. Then he whispered in my ear, “You’re the most fragile, beautiful, delicate person alive. You mean almost everything to me.” At the time, I didn’t know what it meant. Then he slowly lowered his lips to mine. They were soft, gentle, sweet. He never turned the kiss hard, it was always gentle. I melted in the kiss, and he could sense it, I don’t know how, though. He lifted his lips from mine and my eyelids fluttered open. He looked deep into my eyes, and I knew something terrible was about to happen. Right then a tremor pulsed through the room, and his eyes turned to stone. He knew. He knew what I was. What I couldn’t control. I pushed the door open and fled. The last time a tremor happened and I had stayed in one place, a lot of people died. I was running, but then….. He was there, right in front of me, holding me, looking deep into my eyes saying, “I know you can stop it. Freesia, please. Try.” I tried. I willed the ground to stop moving. It did. When I opened my eyes, I whispered to Dimitri, “How do you know? How did you know it was me? How?” And he told me. “All of you have the same delicate shape, same soulful eyes. But I knew most because when the tremor pulsed, your eyes changed.” I gasped. How could it be? How could the spirals that started at the end of my eyes and curled away have appeared? They were hidden for centuries. Why now? “I’m not going to shun you, for I’m something, too.” And then, I knew. He was a pure. Either a vampire or an elf, but definitely not a human. I looked away. “No need to be ashamed of what you are. You are who you are because two beings of different races loved each other. By the way, I’m no vampire, I’m an elf.” So he was an elf. The dominant part of me was elf, too. That’s why I had pointed ears.

That was the beginning of Dimitri and Freesia’s long journey together. And mixed into that long journey is betrayal, romance, love, lust, lose, cheating, lying, happiness, sadness, beginnings, and at the end, they may just find out what the cost is of being together.

Mix into the story: Snowflakes were falling around us. Freesia was looking up into my eyes, searching them. Snowflakes settled onto her eyelashes and onto her skin and hair. I leaned down and kissed her, losing myself into the kiss. Then I did something that surprised us both. I led her into my house and into my room and laid her down on the bed. The bed that I had littered with flower petals just for her arrival. She looked deep into my eyes and trusted me. I trusted her, too. That’s when it all began, the spiral into the biggest journey of both our lives.
Friend’s Edited Version:
Dimitri gently set the girl with long, raven hair with blue eyes that are piercing, yet blue as the sky and ocean all at the same time down on the bed and touched her lips softly, barely, but enough to feel. And then he was gone. The ‘her’ that he had set down was Freesia. Let me start from the beginning. I’m Lavender. You’ll hear about me later, but just know I’m the narrator here. This is how Freesia’s started….
On a bright spring day, hour glass shaped, small busted Freesia was invited to a party. Little did she know, it was a Spin-The-Bottle party. When she got there, she played like everyone else. The only person she got for the entire night was a boy named Dimitri. Dimitri is a tall, lean boy with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. Here is what freesia would say if I gave her a chance to tell the account:
I spun the bottle for the first time in my life. That night was when I’d get my first kiss. It landed on a cute boy, perhaps one of the most unique ones there. He stood up. I stood up. I turned around. All of a sudden, hands slid over my hips and up my sides, stopping below my ribcage. I gave an involuntary shiver of delight. I turned around rapidly. There he was, in a blink of an eye, Dimitri and come across the room and behind me. He led me to the closet. He closed the door and turned off the light. (add something about how she knew what they meant by 7 minutes in heaven) Then he whispered in my ear, “You’re the most fragile, beautiful, delicate person alive. You mean almost everything to me.” At the time, I didn’t know what it meant. Then he slowly lowered his lips to mine. They were soft, gentle, sweet. He never turned the kiss hard, it was always gentle. I melted in the kiss, and he could sense it, I don’t know how, though. He lifted his lips from mine and my eyelids fluttered open. He looked deep into my eyes, and I knew something terrible was about to happen. Right then a tremor pulsed through the room, and his eyes turned to stone. He knew. He knew what I was. What I couldn’t control. I pushed the door open and fled. The last time a tremor happened and I had stayed in one place, a lot of people died. I was running, but then….. He was there, right in front of me, holding me, looking deep into my eyes saying, “I know you can stop it. Freesia, please. Try.” I tried. I willed the ground to stop moving. It did. When I opened my eyes, I whispered to Dimitri, “How do you know? How did you know it was me? How?” And he told me. “All of you have the same delicate shape, same soulful eyes. But I knew most because when the tremor pulsed, your eyes changed.” I gasped. How could it be? How could the spirals that started at the end of my eyes and curled away have appeared? They were hidden for centuries. Why now? “I’m not going to shun you, for I’m something, too.” And then, I knew. He was a pure. Either a vampire or an elf, but definitely not a human. I looked away. “No need to be ashamed of what you are. You are who you are because two beings of different races loved each other. By the way, I’m no vampire, I’m an elf.” So he was an elf. The dominant part of me was elf, too. That’s why I had pointed ears.
That was the beginning of Dimitri and Freesia’s long journey together. And mixed into that long journey is betrayal, romance, love, lust, lose, cheating, lying, happiness, sadness, beginnings, and at the end, they may just find out what the cost is of being together.
Mix into the story: Snowflakes were falling around us. Freesia was looking up into my eyes, searching them. Snowflakes settled onto her eyelashes and onto her skin and hair. I leaned down and kissed her, losing myself into the kiss. Then I did something that surprised us both. I led her into my house and into my room and laid her down on the bed. The bed that I had littered with flower petals just for her arrival. She looked deep into my eyes and trusted me. I trusted her, too. That’s when it all began, the spiral into the biggest journey of both our lives.
Story 4
Black tendrils that felt like velvet wrapped around her, constricting her. Her scream echoed through the hallway. Heads turned. But one head didn’t. The one that was walking away from the scream didn’t turn his head. He kept walking away, even though his heart was being ripped out from his body with each scream that came from her mouth. Then, just barely, he heard ‘I love you… I have always loved you…’ Another scream tore through him. This one was the loudest. He turned and started to run back. But the screams then screamed “Run! Go! Don’t come back! You’ll be killed, too!” Her screams were cut off just as he turned around again to run away. Then he felt something soft, caressing around his shoulders. Tears fell down his face. She’s here. And I let her die, he thought as he realized that the softness was wings from an angel, a particular angel, the girl he left to die. She was from the almost extinct race of human-angels. They’re humans, but when they die they become angels and protect the ones they love and died for. The black tendrils slipped around his ankles, but they withered back as though burned. Her whimper told him she had stopped the tendrils from killing him. He ran and ran, but Avina’s sister followed him everywhere. One night, one identical to the one where Avina had confessed to being a Levinkin, he couldn’t go on. Avina’s sister, Tesla, came up and said, “Since she truly cares about you, I will let you go. On one condition. You have to bear me a child, first.” “No!” Avina’s voice screamed in his head. “Ok,” Nickel said. “But first things first…”

2½ months earlier…
She laughed and her black hair fell around her shoulders. He was watching her, when she suddenly looked at him. She got up and walked toward him. She put out her hand and said “C’mon, dance! Live life to the fullest!” He got up and they were the first ones to dance at the high school prom. They had both come with friends. “I’ll give you a ride,” he said. She accepted. In the car she yawned and put her head on his shoulder. Abruptly, he said out of the blue, “Will you go out with me?” “Of course,” she answered. Silence was after that. When they got to a street with no streetlights she said, “Drop me off here, I can find my way from here”. “Ok” he said.
1 month…
They were inseparable. They spent all their time together. One night, on the full moon, she said softly, “I have something important to tell you,” He looked at her and saw it was serious. “what is it?” he said. She breathed in, then out. “I’m a…Levinkin.” He stared at her, processing what this meant. She was a human-angel. The Levinkins were a rare family of human-angels. She also said “They’ll be coming for you soon. You don’t know why. Nobody does. But I’ll protect you. Don’t worry. Even if the inevitable happens, I’ll always be with you, no matter what.” When she said this, tears dripped from her eyes and tracked down her cheeks. He got up and wiped them away. ‘I understand.” He kissed her with the gentleness of light rain. From the cloudless night, lightning rocketed through the air and struck not 20 feet away. She gasped, grabbed his hand and ran. He stumbled and followed behind her.
2 weeks…
She smiled at him. They were in his living room watching a romantic movie on the couch. She looked worriedly at the sky. It was a cloudless night. She jumped and ran, while he followed. They got to a house and went inside and locked the doors. That day… She gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. He was still sleeping from what happened last night. Her eyes took on a dreamy glaze. He leaned up and yawned. She said, “Hurry. It’s today. They ran together down the hall filled with other Levinkins and got to a dead end. A lady dressed all in black walked up. “Meet your death, Avina Levinkin and Nickel Denali.” “Sis…Why?” Avina whispered. “Because you were the one that inherited mother’s gifts, if you are killed, I will get the gifts.” Strips of Avina’s sister’s dress came off and wrapped around her. She turned towards Nickel. “Run! Go! Don’t turn back! Save yourself! Hurry!” Her pleas were cut off with her screams of pain. Nickel turned and ran away.
Story 5
Alissa’s small beautiful blue eyes gazed into the clear, blue water flowing from the river. She splashed her reflection and cursed as she saw it again. The dreadful mark that made her who she was, a fugitive running from the world. She didn’t like it, no more than she liked the land around her, a burned field with no trees in sight. She wished for lush green trees to enclose her, protect her, and watch her when she dances, sings and learns to be quick, quiet, sly, and fast. The long scar ran from the tip of her right eye and curved in a spiral as the same with the other eye. Her limp dirty blonde hair reached her waist. But the most noticeable thing is her ears. They pointed upward like elves. Alissa was the last elf in Avon. The humans had overthrown the elves long ago and they were all killed but every thousand years an elf baby is born. They always killed the baby. But Alissa had gotten away. Her mother molded human ears out of clay. Alissa was always teased because the ears were so big. When her mother was captured by moon dancers the humans found out. Her only hope was to find the Black Spirits. Little did she know the Black Spirits were in a jam and needed her. Kea, who was researching the power crystal, is sent to get her. When they arrive back Kea and Alissa get sucked into the power crystal. Kea finds Valon and they escape, only to find Alissa is trapped in the crystal. Their only hope now is to get Alissa’s sister, who is a half-elf without the ears. Her sister, Cassiopeia, gets her out but she is sleeping. One night Valon sneaks into Alissa’s room and kisses her. She wakes up but Valon is shocked. Valon loves Kea and Kea loves Valon, right? Valon doesn’t know who he loves for real. Then when Cassiopeia bumps into him at school and they accidentally kiss, he wonders, why do I love Kea, Alissa, AND Cassiopeia? The girls go on an adventure to find out, what makes them all drawn to Valon? The truth is terrifying, and only one will stay true to Valon.
Version 2.1 (Entirely different storyline):
I gazed into to the clear water and saw my small beautiful blue eyes looking back at me. I splashed my reflection and cursed as I saw it again. The dreadful mark that made me who I was, and always will be, a fugitive running from the world. I didn’t like it, no more than I liked the land around me, a burned field with no trees in sight. I wished for lush green trees to enclose me, protect me, and watch me when I dance, sing and learn to be the true me, an elf. The long scar ran from the tip of my right eye and curved in a spiral as the same with my other eye. My limp light brown/blonde hair reached my waist. Mind you, I was tall. But the most noticeable thing about me is my ears. They pointed upward like elves. I am the last elf in Vivca. Or so I thought. The humans have overthrown the elves long ago and they were all killed, but every hundred years or so a baby elf is born. They had always killed the baby. Until now. I had gotten away. My mother had molded human ears out of clay. I was always teased because the ears were so big. I hated the teasing, people were so mean. But recently, people have been getting suspicious about when the elf would show up, so scouts have been scouting locations around the world for a year now. I had just escaped when I came to the river. Its not far now, I thought as I slipped into the river. I ducked under the water and breathed deeply. The water was so sweet against my lips and hair and eyes. It cooled my lungs. I slipped out of the tattered jeans and black tank top into my midnight black dress. I slipped it over my head and it gently floated down over my body. It engulfed my legs and feet and I looked at myself through the eyes of a boy looking into the water. I looked like a dream, blurry and translucent, with a long black dress on. Truly, the dress was long, midnight black, spaghetti strapped, and corseted. I thought it showed off my figure, an average(not skinny) hourglass. But still seeing through the boy’s eyes, he thought, Beautiful. I have to not tell my stepfather, though. He’d beat me for imagining it. But she’s so beautiful… All of a sudden I was vaulted out of his head, and I started swimming away when he called out, “Wait! What’s your name?” I turned and looked him in the eyes, and saw an intelligent boy, almost a man, but kind. I whispered in my singsong voice, “Alissa, but call me Listh” and swam away. I heard him call out, “I’m Cameron, call me Cam. Why Listh?” I yelled back at him, still underwater, “Because of a lisp I had, I was nicknamed Listh.” I didn’t tell him it was part of the soothe seer’s telling. A telling, I learned, was a prophecy, but it could be chosen to be fulfilled by anyone. The telling was this:
On the blackest moon,
Of the summer equinox,
After the autumn eclipse,
A girl shall rise,
And journey to the Forbidden Lands,
She will come back
A woman,
And with the key,
To the elven cities,
Where she will join them,
But come back to the human’s world
Because of a boy she met
On the journey,
But is now a man.
On the 27th day after she comes back
To the human world,
She will free her will,
Along with others like her.
On the 13th day of the 1st month
After she freed her will,
She will once again be shamed,
But rescued by the man
Of her dream.
I had never thought it was true. Until I found out I was named after the line that went missing long ago:
And then Listh will rise to be queen, from the day of her birth, she had and will be marked with the sign of the fays.
Nobody knows what the sign of the fay is anymore, except that it had something to do with the sky. All that I have is a birth mark, which looks like a tattoo, of a star hanging on the sun. Okay, back to the present, where I have been swimming down the river after talking to that boy, Cam.

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